Sam Hongyuan Zhang
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Savannah College of Art and Design
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©2024 Hongyuan Zhang
- Type Specimen for Minion
Background: Santiago Ramón y Cajal is deemed to be the founding father of modern neuroscience. Famous for his precise scientific illustrations with outstanding artistic values, Cajal inspired young Spanish scientists to pursue neuroscience in a country lacking scientific traditions. Struck by how art can spark passion for neuroscience, I want to incorporate this theme into my type specimen project, attempting to achieve the same effect.
Project Goal: Design a type specimen poker deck that incites interests towards neuroscience via storytelling and design elements, while retaining its function as a type specimen.
Spades - Pseudo-unipolar Neurons
Sensory neurons with cell bodies mostly located in our spinal area.
Hearts - Bipolar Neurons
Bipolar neurons are sensory neurons which transmits information related to sight, smell, or hearing.
Clubs - Multipolar Neurons
Neurons typically found in our brains. Roughly saying, clusters of multipolar neurons process
infomation inside our brain.
Diamonds - Glial Cells
Glial cells are non-neuronal cells that support and protect neurons in the nervous system. Without them, neurons fails to transduct any signals, and won’t retain any structural integrity.
Jokers - Neural Progenitor Cells
Neural progenitor cells are the precursor of all neurons and glial cells. They are responsible for the development of the brain and spinal cord, and play a role in learning and memory in adults
Box Print and Card Back
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