Sam Hongyuan Zhang
Advertising M.A.
Savannah College of Art and Design

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©2024 Hongyuan Zhang

Macy’s Record
Background: Macy’s new marketing strategy, "Bold New Chapter", aims to increase brand value, modernize touchpoints, and rationalize off-mall locations. The challenge is to appeal to Gen-Z, Macy’s least frequent shoppers. The solution is a stand-alone prototype store offering secondhand and discounted vintage apparel. The research results can be find here: [Research link]

Project Goal: Design a visual system suitable for Macy’s new stand-alone store without sabotaging Macy’s current nameplate. The visual system should have vintage qualities and appeals to Gen-Z customers.

Visual System

The new visual system embodies Macy’s Record. It’s everchanging, shapeshifting, and a collective effort. The small pink circle and small pink star act as a visual flair and a storytelling component. [Research link] Small pink circle Human factors; Inspirations that pushes Macy’s growth
Small pink star A Macy’s prototype
Red Star Macy’s


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